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  • 100DaysBaby

Warm Diaper Wipes For Baby

If You Don't Spoil Babies, Who Do You Spoil?

Our friends told us not to buy a diaper wipes dispenser/warmer because the baby would get used to having the warm wipes and warm wipes aren't always possible when you're on-the-go.

But our baby cried every time with cold wipes so we indulged her and got the GOGO PURE Baby Wipes Warmer and Dispenser (Amazon) and it was a game changer! No more tears during diaper changes! That was definitely worth the money in our opinion.

The older she gets, she doesn't mind the cold disposable wipes as much. So you shouldn't invest in this item if you're trying to trim down the baby budget.

You should also make sure you have an outlet near your changing table and a spot to put the dispenser. This wipes warmer also has a light!


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