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Best Diaper Pail - Your Nose Will Thank You!


With So Many Diaper Pails To Choose From - Read This First:

The Diaper Pail Trash Bin you choose for your baby nursery is a key decision as you can imagine. Babies produce a lot of stinky diapers so you'll need to find a trash bin that will contain the odors as much as possible-- until you can take the trash out.

Diaper pails are also pricey so I did some extensive research before making my final decision. I considered the Platex Diaper Genie (Amazon) because my sister's family had used this one for her baby and it really does lock in odors. But you have to use their special trash bags/ refills for the system to work properly - and they're not cheap either. So if you add that to the cost, it becomes a very expensive diaper pail system. I also think it's kind of a hassle to always have to stock my nursery with these specific refills.

I decided to buy the competition's Diaper Pail by Ubbi instead. You can use regular kitchen trash bags to line it or buy the Ubbi brand trash bags. I still put my baby's poopy diapers in a plastic bag before putting it in the Ubbi trash bin. (They are just like the waste bags that doggie owners use.) According to the company, this slender diaper trash bin stores about 20 of the larger size and 55 of the newborn size diapers.

There are lots of colors and designs to choose from. I bought the marble design!

The real test is your nose. Does the Ubbi Diaper Pail contain odors? The answer is yes - as long as you use the small baggies for the poopy diapers at the same time. And this may be a secondary consideration but the steel container itself is very good looking, contemporary design and won't be an eyesore in the room!


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