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  • 100DaysBaby

Best Anti-Colic Baby Bottles

We had to bottle feed our baby from the beginning and she spit up a lot in her first few months – which isn’t unusual. But we tried different bottles to see if the bottle type would make a difference-- as advertised by the bottle makers– including Dr. Brown’s brand.

I was disappointed when the more expensive Dr. Brown’s Bottles were no help at all. Furthermore, they are really difficult to clean and you need special brushes to clean them.

One of our friends sent us the Comotomo Baby Bottles and our baby took to them immediately. As you can see in the photo, she started holding her own bottle at 5 months-old. Her frequency of spitting up her milk was reduced drastically but I’m not sure if that’s just because her digestive system matured.

We have a close friend and neighbor who is transitioning from breastfeeding to bottle feeding and she says the Comotomo Bottles (Amazon) are the only ones her baby will take. That’s probably because the nipples are designed to closely mimic breastfeeding and avoid “nipple confusion issues.”

I am an older mom and a working mom so I really appreciate how easy it is to clean these bottles. I really wish I wouldn’t have bothered with the expensive Dr. Brown’s bottles and gone with these from the get-go. But every baby’s different and so you’ll have to go through your own trial and error. I just recommend you put this one toward the top of your list. 😊


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